Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Rebranding Rupee

Hello World

Indian never had a rupee symbol. We used to express it in various ways such as INR, Re and Rs. So, What would new symbol mean for India?

Its all related to brand image improvement.

India is an emerging economy. Today the world is talking about India which is expected to be a super power by 2020. Like a brand it is going to establish itself in coming years.

But does this brand India has a logo of its own? The sign which symbolizes India in world economy.

The rupee symbol answer this question. If branded properly symbol will:
  • Represent India in World financial market
  • Represent growing economy, largest economy and confident economy of India
  • Acts as a differentiator amongst other south Asian countries
  • Success of this effort will lie in attaining the visibility of the symbol both internationally and nationally. Indian govt. should make sure that it is adopted and used by all the stakeholders

    In the end as every brand has to deliver the underlying promises. As Sundar G. Bharadwaj, visiting Wharton professor of marketing and professor of marketing at Emory University says "It has to demonstrate that it delivers the underlying promise. You can’t just claim something and fail to deliver. Eventually it will come back to bite you.”

    We Indians hope that it never bite us.

    Please post your views about this blog to improve my skills

    bye for now

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